2018 Election Priorities

– postpone retail sales of marijuana in Burnaby, as the community has not been consulted
– study and research communities like Seattle, Denver, Holland to see if any unforeseen issues have arisen

Taxation – 0% tax increase for 3 years
– collect taxes for the actual cost of running the city; over taxation is an issue for Burnaby citizens
– remove charges for hospital parking
– review utilities to ensure fees and services are necessary and fair

Housing and affordability
– increase co-op housing and make amendments to the second-suite bylaws to increase the supply of rental stock
– protect rental stock
– maintain a healthy balance of different types of housing to fit society needs., i.e. co-op, micro-suite

Burnaby Hospital
– effective collaboration with all levels of government and need to be built ASAP

Public Safety
– increase policing to keep pace with our growing community; there is currently a serious deficit
– hire 40+ additional RCMP officers and more firefighters immediately

– coordinate infrastructure for road construction with future developments
– improve bike lane system that does not compete with the main traffic system

– safety first
– open communication and negotiation to reap the benefit for the community
– we will disclose every detail regarding how much the City spent for Pipeline Burnaby

– commit to increased transparency at City Hall